3DLEGENDS® regularly receives requests for the placement of a link on its website (www.3DLEGENDS®.nl). This website is primarily intended as a source of information for (potential) customers. 3DLEGENDS® has a cautious link policy.
Requests to place web links on www.3DLEGENDS.nl are tested against certain criteria.
The website represents an authority that – in the opinion of 3DLEGENDS® – contributes in any way or can contribute to the (legal) objective of 3DLEGENDS®.
The content on the website must fit within the assortment policy of 3DLEGENDS® and the content on www.3DLEGENDS.nl.
The homepage of the website (the page on which you arrive via the web link) is freely accessible (for example, has no access codes, no mandatory statement of (personal) data) and can be accessed at no cost to the visitor.
Game rules, costs and conditions related to any offered products and services are available on request.
The website contains current information.
The website is technically accessible (accessible without error messages, surfing the site does not cause any problems) and clear.
The website does not contain unnecessarily offensive or offensive elements, related to groups and / or individuals, or discriminatory and / or racist content.
3DLEGENDS® assesses every request for the creation of a web link on www.3DLEGENDS.nl against the above criteria.
A web link remains, as long as it meets the above criteria, it being understood that the concrete situation may entail that a web link is only placed for a certain period, for example if the web link is related to an event or action.
3DLEGENDS® determines the location of a web link on www.3DLEGENDS.nl.
3DLEGENDS® reserves the right to refuse a request to insert a web link on www.3DLEGENDS.nl. The person concerned will be informed of this in writing, with arguments, with reference to the criteria.
3DLEGENDS® has the option at all times to remove a web link from www.3DLEGENDS.nl, whether or not in response to complaints from third parties.
3DLEGENDS® decides in all cases not provided for in the regulations, or in cases where there is no unambiguous explanation of their interpretation. 3DLEGENDS® reserves the right to change these regulations.