1. General
These conditions apply to all offers and agreements, the resulting deliveries and services of any kind between 3DLEGENDS® and the customer / client.
1.2. Delivery period
A term specified by 3DLEGENDS® for the completion of the assignment has only an indicative purpose.
1.3. Revoked assignment
When the customer withdraws an order, he must pay the fee that 3DLEGENDS® would receive when fulfilling the order, as well as all additional costs incurred up to that time.
1.4. End assignment
In the event of his will being independent circumstances, whereby 3DLEGENDS® cannot reasonably be expected to further fulfill the assignment, 3DLEGENDS® has the right to end this assignment, without being obliged to pay any compensation or give any guarantee.
2.1. Quotation
All oral and written offers and the related quotations of 3DLEGENDS® are without obligation. The quotations may change due to an unforeseen change in the work. The data provided for these offers is treated confidentially. See also our privacy statement.
2.2. Payment obligation
Payments must be made within 7 days of the invoice date unless otherwise agreed and confirmed in writing upfront.
These payments can be transferred to account IBAN number: NL09 RABO 0359 5187 53. Until the time of payment, the made property remains in ownership of 3DLEGENDS®.
3DLEGENDS® applies a separate payment term to suppliers as can be found in the purchase conditions, unless otherwise agreed and confirmed in writing. This is determined at the start of the assignment.
2.3. Fee for changed assignment
If 3DLEGENDS® is forced to perform more or other work due to the failure to provide complete and clear data / materials or due to an incorrect assignment and / or briefing, the work will be invoiced / invoiced separately.
2.4. Periodic payments
3DLEGENDS® has the right, during an assignment, to reasonably charge for work performed up to that time.
3.1. Copyright holder
3DLEGENDS® guarantees that the items supplied are designed by or on behalf of him, and that he is considered a maker within the meaning of the Copyright Act. As a copyright holder, 3DLEGENDS® may dispose of the work for its own purposes unless otherwise discussed or agreed in writing.
3.2. Attribution
In consultation, 3DLEGENDS® is entitled to have its name stated on the work supplied.
3.3. Amendments
The customer is allowed, in consultation with 3DLEGENDS®, to make changes to the preliminary designs within the applicable correction rounds. In other phases and activities, correction rounds count as additional work, unless agreed otherwise upfront.
3.4. Own promotion
As long as no further agreements have been made about this, 3DLEGENDS® has the freedom to use the design for its own publicity or promotion. If this is not acceptable, it must be stated in writing in advance.
4.1. Liability
3DLEGENDS® can never be held responsible for errors in the text or design. The customer must perform the final check at all times. The customer bears the risk of misunderstandings or errors with regard to the execution of the agreement if these are caused by actions by the customer, such as not supplying complete, sound and clear data / materials on time or not.
4.2. Limitation of liability
3DLEGENDS®’s liability for damage under an agreement with the customer is always limited to the amount of 3DLEGENDS®’s fee.
4.3. Materials supplied under warranty
The customer indemnifies 3DLEGENDS® against copyright claims regarding materials provided by the customer, which are used in the execution of the assignment. Any consequences are for the account and responsibility of the customer.
5.1. Research into the existence of rights
Unless expressly agreed, the assignment does not include conducting research into the existence of trademark rights, drawing or design protection, patent rights, copyrights and portrait rights of third parties. The same applies to research into the possibility of such forms of protection for the customer.
5.2. Other conditions
General and special conditions of the customer do not bind 3DLEGENDS® except if and insofar as they do not conflict with these conditions and insofar as 3DLEGENDS® has accepted the applicability of such conditions in writing in so many words.
5.3. Use of data
3DLEGENDS processes your personal data because you use our services and / or because you provided them yourself. You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. 3DLEGENDS does not store your personal data longer than is strictly necessary and does not sell it to third parties. In addition, we use cookies on our websites / services that are necessary for the operation of the site and our services, these are protected in accordance with the GDPR. For more information, you can also view our privacy statement on our website.